OverDrive is the world’s largest digital catalog of ebooks and audiobooks — including popular and bestselling titles in popular fiction, romance, young adult, technology, travel and nonfiction, just to name a few. We even offer foreign language content.
Homework Help
Are you muddled up in math? Lost in language? Get homework help from Tutor.com. Brought to you for FREE by your local library!
DMV Practice Tests
Practice your knowledge of Louisiana driving laws with more than a dozen FREE practice tests using actual questions from state DMV written tests. There are even sections for motorcycle practice tests, CDL (commercial driver’s license), online driving manuals and a FAQ with detailed answers to more than 100 DMV-related questions! Powered by Driving-Tests.org. A FREE service from your public library!
Foreign language lessons in nearly 50 languages and dialects including Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Arabic (three dialects!), Chinese (two dialects), Japanese, Hebrew, Swedish, and many more. Also includes fifteen ESL (English as a second language) courses for non-English speakers. Translation services and a helpful technical support center round out this incredible language resource. Requires Flash plugin and sound.
TumbleBooks Cloud
TumbleBookCloud is an online collection of over 2300 ebooks and educator resources for middle school and high school students. Even children in late elementary school could enjoy reading these higher level books with guidance from their teachers.