Device Checkout

The Vermilion Parish Library is now offering WiFi hotspots along with laptop checkouts to help give Vermilion Parish residents access to internet where and when they need it.

Hotspots and laptops can be borrowed from any branch of the Vermilion Parish Library by patrons who have a library card in good standing. Hotspots will provide mobile internet access at no cost to the library patron.

Click Here for Instructions for Connecting any Windows Laptop to your VPL Hotspot

Here is the checkout policy for Hotspots:

Hotspot Borrowers:
* Borrowers must be over the age of 15
* Borrowers personal contact information must be current at all times
* Borrowers must have a valid library card.

Hotspot Checkout:

  • Hotspots check out for 7 days.
  • Borrowers must return hotspots in prime (clean) condition. Hotspots cannot be dirty, scratched, no spills, no missing parts.
  • Hotspots shall not be put in the book drop or overnight drop box. They must be returned to a staff member who will check to make sure all items are returned intact.
  • If hotspots are lost, damaged, or stolen, borrowers are responsible for the replacement cost of the hotspot plus any accrued overdue fines.
  • Hotspots may not be used for any illegal purposes.
  • If hotspots are not returned on time, a fine of $10 per day will be assessed up to 7 days and all library privileges will be revoked until fines are paid.
  • A police report may be filed after the item is 7 days overdue.
  • ONLY ONE hotspot per library card may be checked out at any one time.

Adopted by the Vermilion Parish Library Board of Control on May 3rd, 2022.

Laptop Borrowers:

  • Laptop borrowers must be over the age of 15.
  • Laptop borrowers’ personal contact information must be current at all times.
  • Laptop borrowers must have a valid library card.

Laptop Checkout:

  • Laptops check out for 7 days.
  • Any documents saved on the laptop will be lost when the laptop is shutdown or lid is closed.
  • Laptops are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Laptop borrowers must return laptops in prime (clean) condition. Laptops cannot be dirty, scratched, no spills, no missing parts.
  • Laptops shall not be put in the book drop or overnight drop box. They must be returned to a staff member who will check to make sure all items are returned intact.
  • If laptops are lost, damaged, or stolen, borrowers are responsible for the replacement cost of the laptop plus any accrued overdue fines.
  • Laptops may not be used for any illegal purposes.If laptops are not returned on time, a fine of $10 per day will be assessed for a maximum of 7 days and all library privileges will be revoked until fines are paid.  A police report may be filed after the device is 7 days overdue.
  • Laptop borrowers must provide their own accessories (e.g., mouse, headphones, disk, and/or USB drive.) The use of the accessories must not require the installation of any software on the laptop.
  • Laptops can connect to the internet utilizing wireless access points at home or anywhere free or paid wireless access is available.
  • Laptop borrowers may not install any software on the laptops.
  • Laptop borrowers may not alter, delete, or copy any software loaded on the laptop, or otherwise change its existing software or hardware configuration.
  • If laptop borrowers alter, delete, copy or install any software or make changes to existing software or hardware configurations, laptop borrowing privileges will be revoked immediately and laptop borrower will be responsible for any and all cost for restoring laptop to original configuration.
  • ONLY ONE laptop per library card may be checked out at any one time.

Adopted by the Vermilion Parish Library Board of Control on May 3rd, 2022.


If you have any questions or need any further information please call 337-893-2674 or email us at