Library Policies
Meeting Rooms
Meeting Room Policy (continued from page 2)
- Chairs must be stacked on the chair racks; no more than 10 chairs per rack.
- Library furniture, special equipment, audiovisual and public address equipment and systems must be scheduled at the time of application.
- Tables placed in orderly manner either in a square, straight lines or meeting setting. (Do not fold or remove tables without library permission first).
- Groups are responsible for their own table setup.
- If tables are not needed, they may be placed along the walls; but this must be first cleared with library branch manager or assistant manager.
- If it is necessary for tables to be removed from the meeting room for the meeting, then the library staff must be notified a minimum of 5 days in advance and it should also be documented on the meeting room application.
- Trash bagged and removed from the meeting room.
- Trash may be placed in garbage cans in the hallway as long as the cans are not full. Should the garbage cans be full the person(s) using the meeting room(s) are responsible for taking the trash with them.
- All activities of the group must be confined to the meeting room and/or the adjacent entry way into the meeting room. Absolutely NO activities allowed in the atrium or hall areas.
- Groups are not allowed to move the temporary wall. You must inform library at the time of your application if the wall needs to be moved.
- Kitchen facilities are available in some branches. Only light refreshments may be served, such as cookies, sandwiches, sack lunches, coffee, tea, water, and soft drinks; because of problems with permanent stains groups are not allowed to serve beverages that may stain the carpet or chairs.
- Tables and counters must be wiped down after use.
- Equipment must be reserved and arranged for when the meeting room is scheduled or reserved.
- Those using audiovisual equipment must provide their own technical support.
- Library meeting rooms are not to be used as a place for groups to practice.
- The library is NOT responsible for equipment, supplies or other items owned by the group and used in the library.
- Free wireless access to the Internet is available at all library locations. However, the library cannot ensure that you will be able to make a wireless connection.
- The library does not provide for a technical person to assist with your computer issues; to work on groups’ equipment or to make changes to groups’ equipment.
- The library does not provide storage space for individuals or organizations.
- It is the intent of these policies to prohibit any one group or organization from dominating the use of the meeting rooms.
- Groups may not schedule more than 12 meetings at one time. Weekly meetings may not be scheduled more than 3 months in advance.
- Organizations may not schedule meeting rooms for more than once a week unless the meeting is for personnel training or workshop and is concurrent.
- If an emergency requires closing the library and cancelling your reservation, every effort will be made to notify a contact person for the group.
- No activity in connection with a meeting should interfere with other patron’s use of the library.
- Fees for supplies/materials/text are not to exceed $25.00 and must first be cleared with the library.
- All pre-registration must be handled by the presenter of the program, not the library.
- Any decorations must first be cleared with the library
- Absolutely no tape or staples on the walls. You will be responsible for any and all damages to the walls.
- A checklist for Meeting Room Users must be completed when leaving the building.
- All lights must be turned off when leaving.
- Doors to meeting rooms as well as the Library’s front entrance must be locked once everyone has left the building.
- The key to the meeting room must be checked out on the day of the meeting or on Saturday by noon if the meeting or event is on Sunday, and returned to the library by 9:00am the next day in which the library is open along with the completed checklist.
- The person picking up the key and signing the meeting room form is the person responsible for the use/misuse of the room.
- Staff will not return for any reason when the library is closed to check out the key. You need to make it your business to get here in time to pick up the key.
- The key can be returned in the book drop with the completed checklist and attendance sheet in the envelope provided by the Vermilion Parish Library.
- Failure to return the meeting room key(s) by the next day will result in a fine of $2.00 per day for each day the key is not returned. Habitual or extended failure (multiple consecutive days) to return the key(s) can also result in loss of meeting room privileges.
- After three(3) times of failing to return the key in a timely fashion the organization or person will lose the privilege of using the Vermilion Parish Library’s Meeting Rooms.
Meeting room facilities shall be made available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations or individuals or groups requesting their use.
Any person or group using Vermilion Parish Library Meeting Room(s) shall hold Vermilion Parish Library, its agents, servants and/or employees harmless from any damages which may arise out of any claims by any person, company, or governmental entity against Vermilion
Parish Library resulting from his/her/its participation in any meeting and/or gathering held at any Vermilion Parish Library and does agree to fully indemnify Vermilion Parish Library from any damages, costs, and/or fees that may arise from those claims; any person or group using Library meeting room(s) further agrees to defend any and all claims made as a result of the participation of any
person(s) in such meeting or gathering.
If questions arise as to any group’s use of the meeting rooms, the Vermilion Parish Library Board of Control shall be the final authority.
Available items for use in meeting room only (place a check next to items you wish to use on signed application):
White writing board
DVD player
Video Conferencing Equipment
white Board Markers
LCD projector
Vocal PA system (Abbeville Only)
Portable PA system
Wired Internet Access (upon request)
Laptop (when not in library use)
Kitchen facility
coffee pot
Should any damages be noticed prior to use of the meeting room, these damages must be brought to the attention of and documented by a library staff member.
I have thoroughly read and agree to abide by the Vermilion Parish Library Meeting Room Policy.
Originally adopted by the Vermilion Parish Library Board of Control on September 2, 2004.
Revised November 28, 2007.
Revised February 9, 2011.
Revised March 23, 2012.
Revised May 9, 2012.
PDF Downloads
Meeting Room Policy | Meeting Room Application | Meeting Room Checklist