Library Policies
Computer Rules | Computer Assistance Policy | Electronic Use Policy
Laptop Checkout Policy | Social Software Policy
Social Software Policy
Vermilion Parish Library offers informational blogs, and other social software tools for educational, cultural, civic and recreational purposes. VPL social software tools provide a limited (or designated) public forum to facilitate the sharing of ideas, opinions and information about library-related subjects and issues. Library social software is intended to create a welcoming and inviting online space where library users will find useful and entertaining information and can interact with library staff and other library users. Comments are moderated by library staff and the library reserves the right to remove comments that are unlawful or off topic (not library-related subjects and issues).
Posts containing the following are against library rules or unlawful and will be deleted before posting or removed by library staff:
- Copyright violations
- Off topic comments
- Commercial material/spam
- Duplicated posts from the same individual
- Obscene posts
- Specific and imminent threats
- Libelous comments
- Images
This list is illustrative and not exclusive. Off topic comments, as defined above, shall be subject to removal. By choosing to comment you agree to these rules.
Definition of Social Software
Social software is defined as any web application, site or account offered by the library that facilitates the sharing of opinions and information about library related subjects and issues. Social software includes such formats as blogs, listservs, websites, social network pages or posts to community reviews and patron ratings of library materials.
Rules for Commenting
Protect your privacy. Do not post personally identifying information. Young people under age 18, especially, should not post information such as last name, school, age, phone number, address. Comment guidelines:
1. Vermilion Parish Library offers informational blogs, and other social software tools for educational, cultural, civic and recreational purposes. VPL social software tools provide a limited (or designated) public forum to facilitate the sharing of ideas, opinions and information about library-related subjects and issues. Library social software is intended to create a welcoming and inviting online space where library users will find useful and entertaining information and can interact with library staff and other library users.
2. Comments are moderated by the Vermilion Parish Library. The Library reserves the right to remove unlawful or off-topic comments. In order to protect your privacy, refrain from posting personally identifying information. Posting of images is not permitted. All comments must conform to the VPL Social Software Policy.
3. By registering and submitting a comment, you agree to the comment policy.
Opinions expressed in social networking software within the Vermilion Parish Library website, except as specifically noted, are those of the individual authors. Views presented do not necessarily represent the views or policies of, or endorsement by Vermilion Parish Library.
Adopted on August 8, 2012 by the Vermilion Parish Library Board of Control.