Proceedings for August 1, 2023
PROCEEDINGS Vermilion Parish Library Board of Control August 1, 2023 Board President, Anita Levy, called the Vermilion Parish Library Board of Control meeting to order on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, at the Abbeville Library at 6:00PM. The following members were present: Jane Barras, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, Bridget Winters, Melanie Hensgens, Betty Girouard and Paul […]
Notice Posted: ____________ _________ _________ (Date) (Time) (Staff initials) NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING A public meeting will be held as follows: DATE: November 7, 2023 TIME: __6:00PM_______ PLACE OF MEETING: Abbeville Branch Library, 405 E. St. Victor St., Abbeville, LA 70510 AGENDA: Call to Order the Regular […]