Proceedings March 17, 2022


Special Meeting

Vermilion Parish Library

Board of Control

March 17, 2022

Board President, Anita Levy called the Vermilion Parish Library Board of Control special meeting to order on Thursday, March 17, 2022 at the Abbeville Library at 6:00PM.  The following members were present:  Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, Bridget Winters, Yolanda Broussard, and John LeBlanc.

Absent:  Jane Barras

Guests were:  Charlotte Bourg, Library Director, Amy Stelly, Business Manager, and Dawn Hebert, Administrative Manager


Prayer was led by Bridget Winters

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Paul Bourgeois

The library board members were given a copy of the Board Bylaws and the ALA United for Libraries Ethics Code for their review.

There were no public comments on any agenda item.

On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Paul Bourgeois the board decided to amend the agenda to go into executive session to discuss personnel issues.

Yeas: Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, Bridget Winters, Yolanda Broussard, and John LeBlanc.

Nays:  None

Absent: Jane Barras

Abstained:  None

After the discussion of raises for the staff a motion was made by Paul Bourgeois and seconded by Melanie Hensgens to give the entire staff, excluding the director, raises according to the pay scale submitted by Director, Charlotte Bourg.  A roll call vote was taken.

Bridget Winters, Nay

Melanie Hensgens, Yea

Yolanda Broussard, Nay

John LeBlanc, Nay

Paul Bougeois, Yea

Betty Girouard, Yea

Anita Levy, Yea

Jane Barras, Absent

The motion passes.

On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Betty Girouard the board moved to executive session to discuss personnel issues.  Dawn Hebert and Amy Stelly were excused from the meeting.  Charlotte Bourg was invited to stay.

Yeas:  Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, Bridget Winters, Yolanda Broussard, and John LeBlanc.

Nays:  None

Absent: Jane Barras

Abstained:  None

On the motion of Betty Girouard and seconded by Paul Bourgeois the board voted to end the executive session.

Yeas:  Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, Bridget Winters, Yolanda Broussard, and John LeBlanc.

Nays:  None

Absent: Jane Barras

Abstained:  None

On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Paul Bourgeois the board voted to move back into regular session.

Yeas:  Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, Bridget Winters, Yolanda Broussard, and John LeBlanc.

Nays:  None

Absent: Jane Barras

Abstained:  None

On the motion of Yolanda Broussard and seconded by Melanie Hensgens the board voted to adjourn the meeting having no other business to discuss.

Yeas:  Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, Bridget Winters, Yolanda Broussard, and John LeBlanc.

Nays:  None

Absent: Jane Barras

Abstained:  None