August 12, 2015 Board Minutes


Vermilion Parish Library

Board of Control

August 12, 2015

President, Ricky Luquette called the Vermilion Parish Public Library Board of Control meeting to order on Wednesday August 12, 2015 at the Maurice Library at 5:02PM. The following members were present: Ricky Luquette, Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, R. Brady Broussard, Jr., Rev. Wayne Landry and Mayor Wayne Theriot. Absent were: Betty Girouard and Leon Broussard, Police Jury ex-officio member  .

Guest were: Charlotte Trosclair, library director and Amy Stelly, business manager.

Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance were led by Mr. Ricky Luquette.

On the motion of Mr. R. Brady Broussard, Jr. seconded by Mrs. Jane Barras and carried the board unanimously voted to dispense with the reading of and to unanimously accept the May 13, 2015 minutes. There were no public comments.

On the motion of Mayor Wayne Theriot seconded by Rev. Wayne Landry and carried the board unanimously voted to approve the financial report as presented by Amy Stelly. There were no public comments.

On the motion of Rev. Wayne Landry seconded by Mr. R. Brady Broussard, Jr. and carried the board unanimously voted to approve the Director’s report. There were no public comments.

On the motion of Mr. R. Brady Broussard, Jr. seconded by Rev. Wayne Landry and carried the board unanimously voted to approve the purchase of a computer processor, computer server, 3 smart tables, 3-D printer, smart table accessories, and 3-D cart as approved in FEMA PW 3241 Version 5. There were no public comments.

On the motion of Mr. R. Brady Broussard, Jr. seconded by Rev. Wayne Landry and carried the board unanimously voted to approve the purchase of the commercial property coverage. There were no public comments.

On the motion of Mrs. Jane Barras seconded by Rev. Wayne Landry and carried the board unanimously voted to approve for staff to attend the Association for Rural and Small Libraries Conference. There were no public comments.

On the motion of Rev. Wayne Landry seconded by Mayor Wayne Theriot and carried the board unanimously voted to approve the purchase of a Smart Table made possible through a private donation. There were no public comments.

On the motion of Rev. Wayne Landry seconded by Mr. R. Brady Broussard, Jr. and carried the board unanimously voted to adopt the 3-D printing policy. There were no public comments.

There being no further business and upon motion of Rev. Wayne Landry and seconded by Mrs. Jane Barras the meeting was adjourned.



Ricky Luquette, Board President



Charlotte Trosclair, Secretary