Notice of Public Meeting


A public meeting will be held as follows:

DATE: November 27, 2018

TIME: __10:00AM_______

PLACE OF MEETING: __Abbeville Library____________________________________

__405 East Saint Victor St.; Abbeville, LA 70510_______________


Call to Order —Chairman—Ricky Luquette



Roll Call

  1. Jane Barras
  2. Melanie Hensgens
  3. Brady Broussard, Jr.
  4. Betty Girouard
  5. Ricky Luquette
  6. Yolanda Broussard
  7. Mayor Wayne Theriot
  8. Leon Broussard

Approval of Minutes from last meeting, _August 8, 2018______.
                                                                       (Date of last meeting)

Public comments on any agenda item will be considered from the audience at this time.

Old Business:

  1. Approve Financial Report—Amy Stelly
  2. Approve Director’s Report

New Business:

  1. Amend 2018 budget
  2. Adopt 2019 Budget
  3. Adopt 2019 health insurance rates
  4. Discuss 2% salary increase for all staff members
  5. Approve 2019 IRS mileage rate
  6. Approve Auditor’s Resolution (Letters of Engagement)
  7. Approve 2018 Holidays
  8. Approve 2018 Meeting Schedule
  9. Amend and approve State Agreed Upon Procedures
  10. Approve Staff Day/Christmas (December 14th)


Charlotte Trosclair, Library Director_

(Name and Position of Authorized Person)

Vermilion Parish Library                    _

(Name of Taxing District)

405 East St. Victor St.; Abbeville, LA 70510______



(Telephone Number)