October 10, 2019 Special Meeting


Vermilion Parish Library
Board of Control
Special Meeting
October 10, 2019

President, Betty Girouard called the Vermilion Parish Public Library Board of Control special meeting to order on Thursday, October 10, 2019 at the Abbeville Library at 2:00PM. The following members were present: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Bridget Winters and Leon Broussard, Police Jury ex-officio member.
Absent: Yolanda Broussard
Guest was: Charlotte Trosclair, Library Director

Prayer was led by Mrs. Jane Barras
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Leon Broussard

On the motion of Ms. Anita Levy seconded by Mrs. Jane Barras and carried the board unanimously voted to dispense with the reading of and to unanimously accept the August 27 and September 5, 2019 meeting minutes. There were no public comments.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Jason Connor, Anita Levy, Bridget Winters, Leon Broussard and Melanie Hensgens.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard

On the motion of Mrs. Jane Barras seconded by Ms. Bridget Winters and carried the board unanimously voted to approve the letters of engagement for the 2019 audit and state approved procedures for a term of one (1) year. There were no public comments.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Jason Connor, Anita Levy, Bridget Winters, Leon Broussard and Melanie Hensgens.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard

On the motion of Mrs. Jane Barras seconded by Ms. Bridget Winters and carried the board unanimously voted to approve to extend the director’s retirement date to December 31,2019. There were no public comments.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Jason Connor, Anita Levy, Bridget Winters, Leon Broussard and Melanie Hensgens.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard

On the motion of Mrs. Bridget Winters seconded by Mr. Jason Connor and carried the board unanimously voted to re-advertise for the director’s position with a salary of $60,000-$65,000/year negotiable dependent on experience and qualifications. There were no public comments.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Jason Connor, Anita Levy, Bridget Winters, Leon Broussard and Melanie Hensgens.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard

There being no further business and upon motion of Mr. Leon Broussard and seconded by Ms. Anita Levy the meeting was adjourned.

Betty D. Girouard, Board President

Charlotte Trosclair, Secretary