July 8, 2014 Special Meeting Agenda
Notice Posted: ____________ _________ ________
(Date) (Time) (Staff initials)
A public meeting will be held as follows:
DATE: ____Tuesday, July 8, 2014___
TIME: ________5:00 PM______________
PLACE OF MEETING: Abbeville Library
_405 East Saint Victor St.
Abbeville, LA 70510_______
AGENDA: Call to Order—Ricky Luquette
Prayer—Jane Barras
Pledge—Melanie Hensgens
Roll Call
- Jane Barras
- Melanie Hensgens
- R. Brady Broussard, Jr.
- Betty Girouard
- Ricky Luquette
- Rev. Wayne Landry
- Wayne Theriot
- Leon Broussard
Approval of Minutes from last meeting, ___June 8, 2014__.
(Date of last meeting)
New Business:
- Adopt 2014 millage
Charlotte Trosclair__________
(Name and Position of Authorized Person)
Vermilion Parish Library_
(Name of Taxing District)
_405 East Saint Victor St.; Abbeville, LA 70510__
(Telephone Number)
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact _Charlotte Trosclair_ at __337-893-2674___ describing the assistance that is necessary.
(Telephone number)
June 6, 2014 Agenda
Notice Posted: ____________ _________ ________
(Date) (Time) (Staff initials)
A public meeting will be held as follows:
DATE: ____Friday, June 6, 2014___
TIME: ________10:00 AM______________
PLACE OF MEETING: Abbeville Library
_405 East Saint Victor St.
Abbeville, LA 70510_______
AGENDA: Call to Order—Ricky Luquette
Prayer—R. Brady Broussard
Pledge—Melanie Hensgens
Roll Call
- Jane Barras
- Melanie Hensgens
- R. Brady Broussard, Jr.
- Betty Girouard
- Ricky Luquette
- Rev. Wayne Landry
- Wayne Theriot
- Leon Broussard
Approval of Minutes from last meeting, ___May 22, 2014__.
(Date of last meeting)
Old Business:
- Insurance
New Business:
- Announce the millage meeting
Charlotte Trosclair__________
(Name and Position of Authorized Person)
Vermilion Parish Library_
(Name of Taxing District)
_405 East Saint Victor St.; Abbeville, LA 70510__
(Telephone Number)
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact _Charlotte Trosclair_ at __337-893-2674___ describing the assistance that is necessary.
(Telephone number)
June 6, 2014 Special Meeting
Vermilion Parish Library
Board of Control
Special Meeting
June 6, 2014
President, Ricky Luquette called the Vermilion Parish Public Library Board of Control special meeting to order on Friday, June 6, 2014 at 10:00AM at the Abbeville Library. The following members were present: R. Brady Broussard, Jr., Ricky Luquette, Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens. Absent were Leon Broussard, Police Jury ex-officio member, Mayor Wayne Theriot and Rev. Wayne Landry.
Guest were: Charlotte Trosclair, library director and Amy Stelly, business manager.
On the motion of Mr. R. Brady Broussard, Jr. seconded by Mrs. Betty Girouard and carried the board unanimously voted to dispense with the reading of and to unanimously accept the May 22, 2014 minutes. There were no public comments.
On the motion of Mrs. Betty Girouard seconded by Mrs. Jane Barras and carried the board unanimously voted to accept the insurance proposal from Brown & Brown. There were no public comments.
On the motion of Mr. R. Brady Broussard, Jr. seconded by Mrs. Jane Barras and carried the board unanimously voted to announce the Vermilion Parish Library Board of Control will hold a special meeting on July 8, 2014 to adopt the library’s millage for 2015. There were no public comments.
On the motion of Mrs. Jane Barras seconded by Mr. R. Brady Broussard, Jr and carried the board unanimously voted to run an ad in the Abbeville Meridional on Sunday, June 8, 2014 to announce the special meeting on July 8, 2014 to adopt the library’s millage for 2015. There were no public comments.
There being no further business and upon motion of Mrs. Jane Barras and seconded by Mrs. Betty Girouard the meeting was adjourned.
Ricky Luquette, Board President
Charlotte Trosclair, Secretary
July 8, 2014 Special Meeting Minutes
Vermilion Parish Library
Board of Control
Special Meeting
July 8, 2014
President, Ricky Luquette called the Vermilion Parish Public Library Board of Control special meeting to order on Tuesday, July 8, 2014 at 5:00PM at the Abbeville Library. The following members were present: Ricky Luquette, Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Wayne Theriot, and Leon Broussard, Police Jury ex-officio. Absent were R. Brady Broussard, Jr., and Rev. Wayne Landry.
Guest were: Charlotte Trosclair, library director and Amy Stelly, business manager.
On the motion of Mr. Wayne Theriot seconded by Mrs. Jane Barras and carried the board unanimously voted to dispense with the reading of and to unanimously accept the June 8, 2014 minutes. There were no public comments.
On the motion of Mrs. Jane Barras seconded by Mr. Wayne Theriot and carried the board unanimously voted to adopt the library’s millage for 2014. There were no public comments.
There being no further business and upon motion of Mrs. Jane Barras and seconded by Mrs. Melanie Hensgens the meeting was adjourned.
Ricky Luquette, Board President
Charlotte Trosclair, Secretary