Vermilion Parish Library
Board of Control
August 1, 2023
Board President, Anita Levy, called the Vermilion Parish Library Board of Control meeting to order on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, at the Abbeville Library at 6:00PM. The following members were present: Jane Barras, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, Bridget Winters, Melanie Hensgens, Betty Girouard and Paul Bourgeois.
Absent: Yolanda Broussard
Guests were Charlotte Bourg, Library Director, Amy Stelly, Business Manager, and Dawn Hebert, Administrative Manager.
Prayer was led by Jane Barras
Pledge of Allegiance was led by John LeBlanc
Roll was called by Amy Stelly
There were no public comments on any agenda item.
On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Jane Barras the board voted to dispense with the reading of and to accept the previous meeting minutes.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, Bridget Winters, Melanie Hensgens, Betty Girouard, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Betty Girouard the board voted to approve the financial report including a budget to actual comparison as presented by Amy Stelly.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, Bridget Winters, Melanie Hensgens, Betty Girouard, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Bridge Winters and seconded by Jane Barras the board approved the Director’s Report.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, Bridget Winters, Melanie Hensgens, Betty Girouard, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Melanie Hensgens the board voted to approve the list of equipment to be sent to surplus.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, Bridget Winters, Melanie Hensgens, Betty Girouard, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
The Director, Charlotte Bourg, gave a status report on the progress of calling the election for the 2024 Millage Renewal Election.
The Director, Charlotte Bourg, went over new laws regarding libraries passed and signed by the governor in the last legislation session. This included information about Act 436.
The Director, Charlotte Bourg, gave an update on maintenance projects ongoing at the libraries. This included the waterproofing project at the Gueydan Branch.
With no other business, on the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Bridget Winters the board adjourned until the next regular meeting to be held November 7, 2023.
Aug 9 2023
Proceedings for August 1, 2023
Vermilion Parish Library
Board of Control
August 1, 2023
Board President, Anita Levy, called the Vermilion Parish Library Board of Control meeting to order on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, at the Abbeville Library at 6:00PM. The following members were present: Jane Barras, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, Bridget Winters, Melanie Hensgens, Betty Girouard and Paul Bourgeois.
Absent: Yolanda Broussard
Guests were Charlotte Bourg, Library Director, Amy Stelly, Business Manager, and Dawn Hebert, Administrative Manager.
Prayer was led by Jane Barras
Pledge of Allegiance was led by John LeBlanc
Roll was called by Amy Stelly
There were no public comments on any agenda item.
On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Jane Barras the board voted to dispense with the reading of and to accept the previous meeting minutes.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, Bridget Winters, Melanie Hensgens, Betty Girouard, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Betty Girouard the board voted to approve the financial report including a budget to actual comparison as presented by Amy Stelly.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, Bridget Winters, Melanie Hensgens, Betty Girouard, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Bridge Winters and seconded by Jane Barras the board approved the Director’s Report.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, Bridget Winters, Melanie Hensgens, Betty Girouard, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Melanie Hensgens the board voted to approve the list of equipment to be sent to surplus.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, Bridget Winters, Melanie Hensgens, Betty Girouard, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
The Director, Charlotte Bourg, gave a status report on the progress of calling the election for the 2024 Millage Renewal Election.
The Director, Charlotte Bourg, went over new laws regarding libraries passed and signed by the governor in the last legislation session. This included information about Act 436.
The Director, Charlotte Bourg, gave an update on maintenance projects ongoing at the libraries. This included the waterproofing project at the Gueydan Branch.
With no other business, on the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Bridget Winters the board adjourned until the next regular meeting to be held November 7, 2023.