Vermilion Parish Library
Board of Control
February 2, 2021
Board President Betty Girouard called the Vermilion Parish Public Library Board of Control meeting to order on Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at the Abbeville Library at 5:05 PM. The following members were present: Jane Barras on phone, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Brousard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr. Absent was Jason Connor. Amy Stelly, Charlotte Bourg, and Grant Domingue were in attendance.
Prayer was led by Bridget Winters and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Yolanda Broussard.
Amy Stelly called the roll.
Betty Girouard asked if there were any public comments on any agenda item. There were none.
On the motion of Anita Levy and seconded by Yolanda Broussard the minutes for the last meeting and hearing on November 2, 2020 were accepted as written.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Melanie Hensgens and seconded by Yolanda Broussard the board voted to approve the financial report including a budget to actual comparison as presented by Amy Stelly.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Yolanda Broussard and seconded by Melanie Hensgens the board accepted the director’s report as presented by Charlotte Bourg.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
New Business
Betty Girouard opened the floor for nominations for Board President.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
Jane Barras nominated Bridget Winters for the office of president, Ms. Winters respectfully declined the nomination. Bridget Winters nominated Anita Levy for the office of president.
On the motion of Bridget Winters and seconded by Yolanda Broussard, Anita Levy was elected Board President by Acclamation.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
The meeting was then turned over to new President Anita Levy.
Anita Levy opened the floor for nominations for Board Vice President.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
Bridget Winters nominated Melanie Hensgens.
On the motion of Bridget Winters and seconded by Yolanda Broussard, Melanie Hensgens was elected Vice President by acclamation.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Betty Girouard and seconded by Bridget Winters the board appointed Charlotte Bourg as Secretary.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Yolanda Broussard and seconded by Bridget Winters the board voted to appoint Amy Stelly as Treasurer.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Bridget Winters and seconded by Betty Girouard the board amended the 2020 budget.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Yolanda Broussard and seconded by Bridget Winters the board approved the new signees for the bank account as Charlotte Bourg, Jane Barras, Anita Levy, and Melanie Hensgens.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Betty Girouard and seconded by Melanie Hensgens the board approved the new Laptop Checkout Policy.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Betty Girouard and seconded by Paul Bourgeois, Jr. the evaluation of the director was tabled.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Jane Barras and seconded by Yolanda Broussard the board asked Charlotte Bourg to update the challenged materials policy and procedures. Charlotte Bourg will form a committee to handle challenged materials.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Jane Barras and seconded by Betty Girouard the board decided after discussion to have Charlotte Bourg work with Iberia Parish Library to renegotiate the cooperative agreement for the Delcambre Branch Library.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Paul Bourgeois, Jr. and seconded by Betty Girouard the board tasked Charlotte Bourg with the responsibility of appearing before the Vermilion Parish Police Jury to represent the library.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Bridget Winters and seconded by Betty Girouard the meeting was adjourned.
Feb 11 2021
February 2, 2021 Meeting Minutes
Vermilion Parish Library
Board of Control
February 2, 2021
Board President Betty Girouard called the Vermilion Parish Public Library Board of Control meeting to order on Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at the Abbeville Library at 5:05 PM. The following members were present: Jane Barras on phone, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Brousard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr. Absent was Jason Connor. Amy Stelly, Charlotte Bourg, and Grant Domingue were in attendance.
Prayer was led by Bridget Winters and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Yolanda Broussard.
Amy Stelly called the roll.
Betty Girouard asked if there were any public comments on any agenda item. There were none.
On the motion of Anita Levy and seconded by Yolanda Broussard the minutes for the last meeting and hearing on November 2, 2020 were accepted as written.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Melanie Hensgens and seconded by Yolanda Broussard the board voted to approve the financial report including a budget to actual comparison as presented by Amy Stelly.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Yolanda Broussard and seconded by Melanie Hensgens the board accepted the director’s report as presented by Charlotte Bourg.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
New Business
Betty Girouard opened the floor for nominations for Board President.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
Jane Barras nominated Bridget Winters for the office of president, Ms. Winters respectfully declined the nomination. Bridget Winters nominated Anita Levy for the office of president.
On the motion of Bridget Winters and seconded by Yolanda Broussard, Anita Levy was elected Board President by Acclamation.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
The meeting was then turned over to new President Anita Levy.
Anita Levy opened the floor for nominations for Board Vice President.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
Bridget Winters nominated Melanie Hensgens.
On the motion of Bridget Winters and seconded by Yolanda Broussard, Melanie Hensgens was elected Vice President by acclamation.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Betty Girouard and seconded by Bridget Winters the board appointed Charlotte Bourg as Secretary.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Yolanda Broussard and seconded by Bridget Winters the board voted to appoint Amy Stelly as Treasurer.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Bridget Winters and seconded by Betty Girouard the board amended the 2020 budget.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Yolanda Broussard and seconded by Bridget Winters the board approved the new signees for the bank account as Charlotte Bourg, Jane Barras, Anita Levy, and Melanie Hensgens.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Betty Girouard and seconded by Melanie Hensgens the board approved the new Laptop Checkout Policy.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Betty Girouard and seconded by Paul Bourgeois, Jr. the evaluation of the director was tabled.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Jane Barras and seconded by Yolanda Broussard the board asked Charlotte Bourg to update the challenged materials policy and procedures. Charlotte Bourg will form a committee to handle challenged materials.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Jane Barras and seconded by Betty Girouard the board decided after discussion to have Charlotte Bourg work with Iberia Parish Library to renegotiate the cooperative agreement for the Delcambre Branch Library.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Paul Bourgeois, Jr. and seconded by Betty Girouard the board tasked Charlotte Bourg with the responsibility of appearing before the Vermilion Parish Police Jury to represent the library.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Yolanda Broussard, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr.
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Jason Connor
On the motion of Bridget Winters and seconded by Betty Girouard the meeting was adjourned.