Vermilion Parish Library
Board of Control
February 4, 2020
Board President, Betty Girouard called the Vermilion Parish Public Library Board of Control meeting to order on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at the Abbeville Library at 5:25 PM. The following members were present: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr. ex-officio member.
Absent: Yolanda Broussard
Guest were: Charlotte Trosclair, Director, Charlotte Bourg, Interim Director, Amy Stelly, Business Manager, and Denise Ardeneaux, Notary.
Prayer was led by Jason Connor and Pledge of Allegiance was led by Bridget Winters.
On the motion of Jason Connor and seconded by Melanie Hensgens the minutes for the last meeting, December 23, 2019 were approved.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
The floor was opened up for any agenda item from the audience. There were no public comments.
Old Business
Felicia Williams’ request was discussed. A motion was made by Paul Bourgeois seconded by Jason Connor to have a letter written to Ms. Williams by our attorney. Charlotte Bourg will contact Paul Moresi to write the letter.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Jane Barras and seconded by Melanie Hensgens and carried the board voted to approve the financial report including a budget to actual comparison as presented by Amy Stelly.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Melanie Hengens and seconded by Jane Barras the Board approved the Director’s report presented by Charlotte Trosclair.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
New Business
On the motion of Melanie Hensgens and seconded by Jane Barras the board opened nominations for Board President.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Anita Levy and seconded by Jason Connors the Board elected Betty Girouard Board President and Jason Connor Board Vice President by Acclamation.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Anita Levy seconded by Jane Barras and carried the board voted to elect Charlotte Bourg as library board secretary.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Anita Levy seconded by Melanie Hensgens and carried the board voted to re-elect Amy Stelly as library board treasurer.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
The Board officially recognized the new Vermilion Parish Library Director, Charlotte Bourg.
On the motion of Jason Connor seconded by Anita Levy and carried the board voted to adopt the 2019 amended budget.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Bridget Winters and seconded by Melanie Hensgens the board moved to approve the signees for the bank account as Charlotte Bourg, Director; Betty Girouard, Board President; Jason Connor, Vice President; and Jane Barras, Board Member.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Melanie Hensgens and seconded by Jane Barras the Board moved to remove Charlotte Trosclair as a signee for the bank account.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Jane Barras the Board moved to ratify the Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire and was seconded by Melanie Hensgens. The Questionnaire was ratified.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
There being no further business and upon motion of Anita Levy and seconded by Paul Bourgeois the meeting was adjourned.
Betty D. Girouard, Board President
Charlotte Bourg, Secretary
Feb 5 2020
February 4, 2020 Meeting Minutes
Vermilion Parish Library
Board of Control
February 4, 2020
Board President, Betty Girouard called the Vermilion Parish Public Library Board of Control meeting to order on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at the Abbeville Library at 5:25 PM. The following members were present: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois, Jr. ex-officio member.
Absent: Yolanda Broussard
Guest were: Charlotte Trosclair, Director, Charlotte Bourg, Interim Director, Amy Stelly, Business Manager, and Denise Ardeneaux, Notary.
Prayer was led by Jason Connor and Pledge of Allegiance was led by Bridget Winters.
On the motion of Jason Connor and seconded by Melanie Hensgens the minutes for the last meeting, December 23, 2019 were approved.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
The floor was opened up for any agenda item from the audience. There were no public comments.
Old Business
Felicia Williams’ request was discussed. A motion was made by Paul Bourgeois seconded by Jason Connor to have a letter written to Ms. Williams by our attorney. Charlotte Bourg will contact Paul Moresi to write the letter.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Jane Barras and seconded by Melanie Hensgens and carried the board voted to approve the financial report including a budget to actual comparison as presented by Amy Stelly.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Melanie Hengens and seconded by Jane Barras the Board approved the Director’s report presented by Charlotte Trosclair.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
New Business
On the motion of Melanie Hensgens and seconded by Jane Barras the board opened nominations for Board President.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Anita Levy and seconded by Jason Connors the Board elected Betty Girouard Board President and Jason Connor Board Vice President by Acclamation.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Anita Levy seconded by Jane Barras and carried the board voted to elect Charlotte Bourg as library board secretary.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Anita Levy seconded by Melanie Hensgens and carried the board voted to re-elect Amy Stelly as library board treasurer.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
The Board officially recognized the new Vermilion Parish Library Director, Charlotte Bourg.
On the motion of Jason Connor seconded by Anita Levy and carried the board voted to adopt the 2019 amended budget.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Bridget Winters and seconded by Melanie Hensgens the board moved to approve the signees for the bank account as Charlotte Bourg, Director; Betty Girouard, Board President; Jason Connor, Vice President; and Jane Barras, Board Member.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Melanie Hensgens and seconded by Jane Barras the Board moved to remove Charlotte Trosclair as a signee for the bank account.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Jane Barras the Board moved to ratify the Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire and was seconded by Melanie Hensgens. The Questionnaire was ratified.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, Jason Connor, Bridget Winters, and Paul Bourgeois
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
There being no further business and upon motion of Anita Levy and seconded by Paul Bourgeois the meeting was adjourned.
Betty D. Girouard, Board President
Charlotte Bourg, Secretary