July 23, 2024, Public Hearing and Special Meeting Proceedings


Vermilion Parish Library
Board of Control
July 23, 2024
Board President, Anita Levy, called the Vermilion Parish Library Board of Control Public Hearing to order on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at the Abbeville Library at 6:00PM.  The following members were present: Anita Levy, Bridget Winters, JB Moreno, John LeBlanc, Meg Hebert, Melanie Hensgens, and Shane Meaux.  Board member Yolanda Broussard was absent.
Guests were Charlotte Bourg, Library Director, Amy Stelly, Business Manager, Dawn Hebert, Administrative Manager, and Denise A. Landry, Notary.
Prayer was led by Meg Hebert
Pledge of Allegiance was led by John LeBlanc
Roll was called by Amy Stelly
Anita Levy called for any comments on the proposed millage roll forward.  There were none.
The Public Hearing on the proposed millage was adjourned.
The Special Meeting was called to order directly following the Public Hearing.
Board President, Anita Levy asked for comments on any agenda item.  There were no comments.
On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Shane Meaux the library board voted to adopt the adjusted millage rate.
YEAS: Anita Levy, Bridget Winters, JB Moreno, John LeBlanc, Meg Hebert, Melanie Hensgens, Shane Meaux
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Shane Meaux and seconded by Meg Hebert the library board voted to set forth the adjusted millage rate and roll forward the millage rate not to exceed the maximum authorized rate.
YEAS: Anita Levy, Bridget Winters, JB Moreno, John LeBlanc, Meg Hebert, Melanie Hensgens, Shane Meaux
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
Notary Denise A. Landry notarized the required affidavit for the millage to roll forward.
The library board discussed the public comment policy.  There were some changes made to the policy.  On the motion of Bridget Winters and seconded by Shane Meaux the board approved the Public Comment Policy with changes.  Charlotte Bourg, Director, will send out a corrected copy to all board members.
YEAS: Anita Levy, Bridget Winters, JB Moreno, John LeBlanc, Meg Hebert, Melanie Hensgens, Shane Meaux
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
The board discussed changes and edits to the board by-laws.  On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Bridget Winters the approval of the edited by-laws was tabled until the next regular meeting to be held on August 6, 2024, at 6pm at the Abbeville Library.
YEAS: Anita Levy, Bridget Winters, JB Moreno, John LeBlanc, Meg Hebert, Melanie Hensgens, Shane Meaux
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Meg Hebert and seconded by Shane Meaux the board voted to approve changes to the meeting room policy and procedure with the edits discussed.  Director, Charlotte Bourg, will send out the revised copies to the board members.
YEAS: Anita Levy, Bridget Winters, JB Moreno, John LeBlanc, Meg Hebert, Melanie Hensgens, Shane Meaux
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Shane Meaux the board approved the Records Request Policy.
YEAS: Anita Levy, Bridget Winters, JB Moreno, John LeBlanc, Meg Hebert, Melanie Hensgens, Shane Meaux
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Shane Meaux and seconded by Bridget Winters the board approved the Audio/Video Recording Policy.
YEAS: Anita Levy, Bridget Winters, JB Moreno, John LeBlanc, Meg Hebert, Melanie Hensgens, Shane Meaux
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
The board discussed the Library Director Performance Evaluation Process and Tools.  On the motion of Shane Meaux and seconded by John LeBlanc the board approved the process and tool with edits.  Bridget Winters will make necessary changes and email the files to Charlotte Bourg for formatting on library letterhead.  The director will include the evaluation information in the Board By-Laws for approval at the next meeting.
YEAS: Anita Levy, Bridget Winters, JB Moreno, John LeBlanc, Meg Hebert, Melanie Hensgens, Shane Meaux
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard
With no other business, on the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Shane Meaux the board adjourned until the next regular meeting to be held August 6, 2024.