A public meeting will be held as follows:
DATE: November 2, 2021
TIME: __6:00PM_______
PLACE OF MEETING: Abbeville Branch Library, 405 E. St. Victor St. ,Abbeville, LA 70510
Call to Order —Chairman—Anita Levy
Public comments on any agenda item will be considered from the audience at this time.
Old Business
- Approval of meeting minutes from previous meetings.
- Approve Financial Report—Amy Stelly
- Approve Director’s Report – Charlotte Bourg
New Business
- Amend 2021 Budget
- Adopt 2022 Budget
- Approve 2022 Meeting Schedule
- Adopt 2022 health insurance rates
- Approve the IRS mileage rates for 2022
- Approve Holiday Policy
- Approve 2022 Holidays
- Approve Social Media Policy
- Discuss a cost of living pay increase for library staff
Charlotte Bourg, Library Director
Vermilion Parish Library
405 East St. Victor St.; Abbeville, LA 70510
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Charlotte Bourg at 337-893-2674 describing the assistance that is necessary.
A public meeting will be held as follows:
DATE: November 2, 2021
TIME: __6:00PM_______
PLACE OF MEETING: Abbeville Branch Library
405 E. St. Victor St.
Abbeville, LA 70510
Public comments on any agenda item will be considered from the audience at this time.
Call to Order —Chairman—Anita Levy
Roll Call
- Jane Barras
- Melanie Hensgens
- Anita Levy
- Betty Girouard
- John LeBlanc
- Yolanda Broussard
- Bridget Winters
- Paul Bourgeois
New Business:
- Public discussion of Proposed 2022 Budget
Move to Public Meeting
Charlotte Bourg
Vermilion Parish Library
405 East St. Victor St.; Abbeville, LA 70510
Proceedings Special Meeting 9/30/2021
Vermilion Parish Library
Board of Control Special Meeting
September 30, 2021
Board President, Anita Levy called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM at the Abbeville Branch Library. Present were Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Betty Girouard, John LeBlanc, and Bridget Winters.
Absent were Yolanda Broussard and Paul Bourgeois, Ex Officio Member
Guests were Charlotte Bourg, Library Director; Dawn Hebert; and Paul Moresi, Attorney.
The Prayer was led by Bridget Winters.
The Pledge was led by John LeBlanc.
Roll was called by Charlotte Bourg.
There were no public comments on any agenda item.
Anita Levy introduced attorney, Paul Moresi, who gave background on the Delcambre Branch Agreement and introduced the terms of the new agreement. The Board then discussed and asked questions regarding the agreement.
On the motion of John Leblanc and seconded by Betty Girouard the board unanimously accepted the terms of the new Delcambre Branch Agreement.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, and Bridget Winters
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard, Paul Bourgeois
On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Melanie Hensgens the board adjourned the meeting.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, and Bridget Winters
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Yolanda Broussard, Paul Bourgeois
A public meeting will be held as follows:
DATE: Thursday, September 30, 2021
TIME: 6:00 PM_
PLACE OF MEETING: __Abbeville Library____________________________________
__405 East Saint Victor St.; Abbeville, LA 70510___________
Call to Order — Anita Levy
Roll Call
- Jane Barras
- Melanie Hensgens
- Anita Levy
- Betty Girouard
- Yolanda Broussard
- John LeBlanc
- Bridget Winters
- Paul Bourgeois, Jr., Police Jury ex-officio member
Public comments on any agenda item will be considered from the audience at this time.
Old Business:
- Paul Moresi will answer questions regarding the Delcambre Branch Agreement
- Discussion of the Delcambre Branch Agreement
Charlotte Bourg, Library Director
Vermilion Parish Library
405 East St. Victor St., Abbeville, LA 70510
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Charlotte Bourg at 337-893-2674 describing the assistance that is necessary.
Proceedings August 3, 2021
Vermilion Parish Library
Board of Control
August 3, 2021
Board President, Anita Levy, called the Vermilion Parish Library Board of Control meeting to order on Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at the Abbeville Library at 6:00PM. The following members were present: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, Bridget Winters and Yolanda Broussard.
Absent: Paul Bourgeois, Betty Girouard
Guests were: Charlotte Bourg, Library Director and Amy Stelly, Business Manager
Prayer was led by Jane Barras
Pledge of Allegiance was led by John LeBlanc
There were no public comments on any agenda item.
On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Melanie Hensgens the board voted to dispense with the reading of and to accept the May 4, 2021 regular meeting and the July 19, 2021 Special Meeting minutes.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc and Yolanda Broussard
NAYS: None
ABSTAINED: Bridget Winters
ABSENT: Paul Bourgeois, Betty Girouard
On the motion of Jane Barras and seconded by Bridget Winters and carried by the board unanimously the board approved the Director’s Report.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, Bridget Winters and Yolanda Broussard
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Paul Bourgeois, Betty Girouard
On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Yolanda Broussard and carried by the board unanimously the board voted to approve the financial report including a budget to actual comparison as presented by Amy Stelly.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, Bridget Winters and Yolanda Broussard
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Paul Bourgeois, Betty Girouard
On the motion of Bridget Winters and seconded by Jane Barras and carried by the board unanimously the board voted to approve the closing of the library for Staff Training Day on Friday, December 10, 2021.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, Bridget Winters and Yolanda Broussard
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Paul Bourgeois, Betty Girouard
The Director, Charlotte Bourg, introduced several new services funded by the American Rescue Plan funds received including laptop and hotspot check out.
On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Jane Barras and carried by the board unanimously the board voted to approve the Hotspot Checkout Policy.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, Bridget Winters and Yolanda Broussard
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Paul Bourgeois, Betty Girouard
On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Jane Barras and carried by the board unanimously the board voted to approve the Kindle Checkout Policy.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, Bridget Winters and Yolanda Broussard
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Paul Bourgeois, Betty Girouard
On the motion of Jane Barras and seconded by John LeBlanc and carried by the board unanimously the board voted to move the Board Training scheduled for August 20, 2021 to a later date.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, John LeBlanc, Bridget Winters and Yolanda Broussard
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Paul Bourgeois, Betty Girouard
On the motion of John LeBlanc seconded by Melanie Hensgens the meeting was adjourned.
Proceedings July 19, 2021
Special Meeting
Vermilion Parish Library
Board of Control
July 19, 2021
Board President, Anita Levy called the Vermilion Parish Library Board of Control special meeting to order on Monday, July 19, 2021 at the Abbeville Library at 5:00PM. The following members were present: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, Bridget Winters, Yolanda Broussard, and John LeBlanc.
Absent: None
Guests were: Charlotte Bourg, Library Director, Amy Stelly, Business Manager, and Dawn Hebert, Administrative Assistant.
Prayer was led by Jane Barras
Pledge of Allegiance was led by John LeBlanc
There were no public comments on any agenda item.
On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Yolanda Broussard, Charlotte Bourg and Dawn Hebert presented issues at hand regarding the Vermilion Parish Library Bookmobile service.
Yeas: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, Bridget Winters, Yolanda Broussard, and John LeBlanc.
Nays: None
Abstained: None
On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Betty Girouard the Board moved into executive session to discuss personnel matters. Dawn Hebert and Amy Stelly left the room.
Yeas: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, Bridget Winters, Yolanda Broussard, and John LeBlanc.
Nays: None
Abstained: None
On the motion of John LeBlanc and seconded by Betty Girouard the Board moved back into regular session.
Yeas: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, Bridget Winters, Yolanda Broussard, and John LeBlanc.
Nays: None
Abstained: None
On the motion of Yolanda Broussard and seconded by John LeBlanc the board adjourned.
Yeas: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, Bridget Winters, Yolanda Broussard, and John LeBlanc.
Nays: None
Abstained: None
A public meeting will be held as follows:
DATE: Tuesday, August 3, 2021
TIME: _6:00 PM______
PLACE OF MEETING: __Abbeville Library______________________
__405 East Saint Victor St.; Abbeville, LA 70510
Call to Order —Board President—Anita Levy
Roll Call
- Jane Barras
- Melanie Hensgens
- Anita Levy
- Betty Girouard
- John LeBlanc
- Yolanda Broussard
- Bridget Winters
- Paul Bourgeois
Public comments on any agenda item will be considered from the audience at this time.
Old Business
- Approval of minutes from the last meetings Monday, July 19, 2021 and Tuesday, May 4, 2021.
- Approval of Director’s Report – Charlotte Bourg
- Approval of Financial Report – Amy Stelly
New Business
- Approval of Staff Training day for Friday, December 10, 2021
- Introduction of New Services
- Approve Hotspot Checkout Policy
- Approve Kindle Checkout Policy
- Board Training Schedule
Charlotte Bourg, Library Director
Vermilion Parish Library
405 East St. Victor St.; Abbeville, LA 70510
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Charlotte Bourg at 337-893-2674 describing the assistance that is necessary.
Special Board Meeting
A public meeting will be held as follows:
DATE: Monday, July 19, 2021
TIME: _5:00 PM______
PLACE OF MEETING: __Abbeville Library______________________
__405 East Saint Victor St.; Abbeville, LA 70510
Call to Order —Board President—Anita Levy
Roll Call
- Jane Barras
- Melanie Hensgens
- Anita Levy
- Betty Girouard
- John LeBlanc
- Yolanda Broussard
- Bridget Winters
- Paul Bourgeois
Public comments on any agenda item will be considered from the audience at this time.
Old Business
- Approval of regular minutes form the last meeting Tuesday, May 4, 2021.
New Business
- Bookmobile Issues
- Executive Session – Personnel Issues
Charlotte Bourg, Library Director
Vermilion Parish Library
405 East St. Victor St.; Abbeville, LA 70510
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Charlotte Bourg at 337-893-2674 describing the assistance that is necessary.
May 4, 2021 Proceedings
Vermilion Parish Library
Board of Control
May 4, 2021
Anita Levy called the Vermilion Parish Library Board of Control meeting to order on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at the Abbeville Library at 5:00PM. The following members were present: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, and John LeBlanc.
Absent: Bridget Winters and Yolanda Broussard
Guests were: Charlotte Bourg, Library Director, Amy Stelly, Business Manager, Matthew Margaglio and Kristina Sage with Kolder, Slaven & Company, and Denise Ardeneaux.
Prayer was led by Jane Barras
Pledge of Allegiance was led by John LeBlanc
There were no public comments on any agenda item.
On the motion of Betty Girouard seconded by John LeBlanc and carried the board unanimously voted to dispense with the reading of and to unanimously accept the February 2, 2021 regular meeting and the April 5, 2021 Special Meeting minutes.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, and John LeBlanc
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Bridget Winters and Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Jane Barras seconded by John LeBlanc and carried the board unanimously voted to approve the financial report including a budget to actual comparison as presented by Amy Stelly.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, and John LeBlanc
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Bridget Winters and Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Jane Barras and seconded by Paul Bourgeois and carried the board unanimously approved the Director’s Report.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, and John LeBlanc
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Bridget Winters and Yolanda Broussard
Charlotte Bourg introduced the new board member John LeBlanc. All welcomed him to the board.
On the motion of John LeBlanc seconded by Paul Bourgeois and carried the board unanimously voted to adopt the library millage of 4.46 for 2021.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, and John LeBlanc
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Bridget Winters and Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of John LeBlanc seconded by Betty Girouard and carried the board unanimously voted to accept the 2020 audit report as presented by Matthew Margaglio.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, and John LeBlanc
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Bridget Winters and Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Jane Barras seconded by Melanie Hensgens and carried the board unanimously voted to ratify the Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, and John LeBlanc
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Bridget Winters and Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Betty Girouard seconded by John LeBlanc and carried the board unanimously voted to approve the Challenged Materials Policy.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, and John LeBlanc
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Bridget Winters and Yolanda Broussard
On the motion of Jane Barras seconded by Betty Girouard and carried the board unanimously voted to approve the Interlibrary Loan Policy.
YEAS: Jane Barras, Betty Girouard, Melanie Hensgens, Anita Levy, Paul Bourgeois, and John LeBlanc
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Bridget Winters and Yolanda Broussard
The Library Director, Charlotte Bourg, gave an update on negotiations with the Iberia Library System regarding the Delcambre Branch. The Director will keep the board informed of the situation.
On the motion of Jane Barras seconded by John LeBlanc the meeting was adjourned.
A public meeting will be held as follows:
DATE: May 4, 2021
TIME: __5:00PM_______
PLACE OF MEETING: __Abbeville Library____________________________________
__405 East Saint Victor St.; Abbeville, LA 70510___________
Call to Order —Anita Levy
Roll Call
- Jane Barras
- Melanie Hensgens
- Anita Levy
- Betty Girouard
- John LeBlanc
- Yolanda Broussard
- Bridget Winters
- Paul Bourgeois, Jr., Police Jury ex-officio member
Approval of Hearing Minutes and Regular Meeting minutes from last meeting, February 4, 2021 and Special Meeting Held on April 5, 2021
Public comments on any agenda item will be considered from the audience at this time.
Old Business:
- Approve Financial Report—Amy Stelly
- Approve Director’s Report
New Business:
- Introduction of new board member
- Adopt the millage rates.
- Audit Presentation by Matthew Margaglio with Kolder, Slaven & Company
- Ratify Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire
- Approve the Challenged Materials Policy
- Approve the Interlibrary Loan Policy
- Discuss the Delcambre Branch Library Agreement
Charlotte Bourg, Library Director
Vermilion Parish Library
405 East St. Victor St.; Abbeville, LA 70510
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Charlotte Bourg at 337-893-2674 describing the assistance that is necessary.
Proceedings Special Meeting 4/5/21
Vermilion Parish Library
Board of Control Special Meeting
April 5, 2021
The Vermilion Parish Library Board had a special meeting at 12 pm on Monday, April 5, 2021 via Zoom to discuss the Delcambre Branch Agreement. Present were Paul Bourgeois, Jane Barras, and Anita Levy. Guests included Charlotte Bourg, Director and Amy Stelly, Business Manager.
There were no public comments.
There was not a quorum of the board present, therefore only a discussion of the situation occurred. The Director, Charlotte Bourg will keep members apprised of the situation.
A public meeting will be held as follows:
DATE: February 15, 2022
TIME: __6:00PM_______
PLACE OF MEETING: __Abbeville Library____________________________________
__405 East Saint Victor St.; Abbeville, LA 70510___________
Call to Order —Anita Levy
Roll Call
Public comments on any agenda item will be considered from the audience at this time.
Old Business:
New Business:
Vice President
Charlotte Bourg, Library Director
Vermilion Parish Library
405 East St. Victor St., Abbeville, LA 70510
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Charlotte Bourg at 337-893-2674 describing the assistance that is necessary.